Gavin Bieber was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He developed a very early interest in birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles and has steadily pursued these interests while growing up in British Columbia, Virginia Beach, Great Britain and Denmark. Gavin graduated from the University of Victoria with a degree in Biology and a minor in Environmental Studies. He studied for a year at the University of Southern Mississippi where he collaborated with their Migratory Bird Study Group. While still in university he taught waterfowl, shorebird and passerine identification workshops for the Victoria Natural History Society and led field trips for the university’s ornithology classes. Since graduating, Gavin has worked as a field assistant on a variety of ornithological research projects including studies of the wintering ecology of Henslow’s Sparrow, the breeding biology of the Interior Least Tern, the stopover ecology of Swainson’s Thrush and Gray Catbird and a population fitness study of auklets. In addition he conducted point counts for the National Park Service in Arizona and New Mexico and assisted in setting up a riparian bird survey for the University of Arizona. From 2002 onwards he has maintained a long-term interest in the avifauna of the Pribilof Islands, AK, spending a cumulative two years living on Saint Paul Island. He has also traveled extensively through much of Western Europe, parts of Africa and South America, Thailand, the Philippines, New Guinea and Australia. Gavin enjoys sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm of the natural world with others, and welcomes the chance to share his love of the natural world with new people.
Moving to Tucson in 2000 he became involved in the environmental community, serving as a board member for the Tucson Audubon Society, and on the Arizona Bird Committee from 2007-2010. He currently lives in Vienna, Austria, with his wife Celina, his son Roland, and a loveable Labradoodle.
Gavin made a dedicated effort to meet the individual goals of each participant and would zealously ensure that as many birds were seen as possible. As my group was also interested in butterflies, mammals, plants, and lizards, these were also incorporated into the tour to make it a smorgasbord of the southeast Arizona natural world.
- Jennifer S. on Arizona: Owls and Warblers
Gavin is an excellent leader. Organized, knowledgeable, and personable.
- Ann K. on Australia: Victoria and Tasmania
Although the tour covered just a narrow sliver of the country near the canal, it gave us access to an amazing variety of birds and other wildlife. It easily exceeded our expectations. Both Gavin and Danilo were extremely knowledgeable, courteous, and helpful leaders, and fun to be with.
- James B. on Panama: Fall at the Canopy Tower
Gavin has an amazing ability to find birds, point them out to people, take care of all the logistics, drive safely, keep everyone on track and generally remain in good humor, even on little sleep and long days. We appreciated his deep knowledge and obvious birding talents.
- Carol V. on Australia: Western Australia and Northern Territory
Gavin was an excellent leader. We had some weather challenges but he worked around these very effectively. He is clearly very knowledgeable but treated tour participants with respect, good humor and great patience. All in all, a great experience.
- Anne M. on Australia: Southwestern Australia & Northern Queensland