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Reporting from San Blas

Steve Howell reports from another wonderful tour to San Blas, Mexico, where unseasonal cold and rain made for an interesting time... 

The trip started, appropriately, with San Blas Jays, along with other colorful local characters such as the stunning Streak-backed Oriole.
The trip started, appropriately, with San Blas Jays, along with other colorful local characters such as the stunning Streak-backed Oriole.
Despite (or perhaps because of?) the cool weather we found more species than usual, including this surprise vagrant Rock Wren in town, in the rain!
Despite (or perhaps because of?) the cool weather we found more species than usual, including this surprise vagrant Rock Wren in town, in the rain!
Not to be outdone, this handsome Happy Wren showed amazingly well the next morning.
Not to be outdone, this handsome Happy Wren showed amazingly well the next morning.
Just another relaxed morning birding in Mexico—and snack-break time!
Just another relaxed morning birding in Mexico—and snack-break time!
The ever-popular boat trips produced the rarely seen tiny Yellow-breasted Crake.
The ever-popular boat trips produced the rarely seen tiny Yellow-breasted Crake.
This walk-away Colima Pygmy-Owl was a group favorite...
This walk-away Colima Pygmy-Owl was a group favorite...
As was this stunning male Red-breasted Chat.
As was this stunning male Red-breasted Chat.
Photo by participant Ken Murphy
Taxonomic issues abound in western Mexico, including the ‘obvious’ (to anyone with normal hearing and vision) species split of Western Green Jay.
Taxonomic issues abound in western Mexico, including the ‘obvious’ (to anyone with normal hearing and vision) species split of Western Green Jay.
Photo by participant Lisa Coons
The sun came out properly on our last day, when an eye-level Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle interrupted this picnic lunch minutes after this shot was taken!
The sun came out properly on our last day, when an eye-level Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle interrupted this picnic lunch minutes after this shot was taken!
And butterflies such as this Malachite also showed their appreciation for the sun, but all too soon the trip was over, with more than 250 bird species in a relaxed week of fabulous birding.
And butterflies such as this Malachite also showed their appreciation for the sun, but all too soon the trip was over, with more than 250 bird species in a relaxed week of fabulous birding.